

2022年04月26日 17:14:27 No.12417


投稿者 : olwflo [URL]

Waves Complete VST RTAS TDM v7.1.1.6 AiR !!! ! uTorrent,Zwcad2012アクティベーションKey.rar,FastKeysv4.15登録キー
If done correctly, your targeting reticule will turn blue and select the wall for a moment. ... The best way to be a strong Force User is to be a Light Side Jedi Consular / Jedi ... You cannot really get into conversations with Bao-Dur, so there is no .... Jan 17, 2010 — I've been trying to do this the other way around, as in turn them into sith. ... For example: on the Ebon Hawk the party screen showed Bao-Dur as ... But what I'm really interested in: can I make the characters Dark Jedi when I .... Mar 22, 2005 — I took both Atton and Bao-Dur with me when I was on Nar Shaddaa, and made both Jedi there (several occasions to get influence with both of ... fe9c53e484 olwflo

Telos - Hidden Jedi Base - When you get Bao-Dur out of his cell, tell him that it ... a Dark Side action and get Influence (Force Persuade them to jump into the pit). ... Ebon Hawk - After Visas joins, tell Kreia that you will kill her if she tries to turn ...

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