Goals range from the simple: get up when my alarm clock rings, smile more, brush my teeth, spend more time with my best friend, eat more cheese, photocopy my butt 鈥?
that or something similar enough times , you begin to believe
In the middle he stopped--just in the middle of a sentence. And I was sitting by his side, because I had just finished. There was silence, and he was perspiring, and just to help him, I said, "Start again"--because what else to do? He was simply stuck. I said, "If you cannot go ahead, start again; perhaps it may come back to you."
We are bombarded with a minimum of 70,000 thoughts day and night. New science suggests that the number of thoughts that we process through our mind now reaches over a million given the frenetic, over stimulated environment we now live in. And, researchers add that almost 70% of those 1.2 million thoughts are negative. It causes one to wonder why there is so much stress, anger, and worry in the world.