

2013年08月08日 16:44:44 No.2151


投稿者 : Agataizp

It amazes me how when a person goes out of his/her way to fit in, that is when their peers reject them more. But, when a person doesn’t make the effort to fit in anywhere, that is when people will come to you and try to knock down your walls, because they want to know who you are. It kills them that they can’t quite figure you out, and you won’t let them in so they can figure you out. It seems like you get more respect for being a brash person instead of just being a nice person all the time, because the world doesn’t really respect kind people. If the world did, it would not have crucified Jesus.
Writers have also changed the perception of history and people in it. Journalists can influence the opinions of people, whether in the field of world peace, global warning, politics or the economy.

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